what it takes to learn

We as Americans and parents get wrapped about competing with the Joneses, read this and say you don’t that’s ok, we lie to ourselves allot as parents too.

my kid is going to be an Astronaut, a rapper or a CEO….you get the point, place your unrealistic expectation for your child here__________________________.

The truth is this, college isn’t for everyone, we all aren’t smart enough to go from sweeping the floors to Harvard wiz kid.

My family immigrated from Germany more than 150 years ago to build houses, to this day construction and carpentry are still the family business.

Show your children you love them, help them find that one thing they love and are good at. That which they do for love, not necessity or show a natural aptitude for.

Don’t force them to school because that decision was made for you, and now your dream life is only visible in the 5 hours  you sleep a night. Lead them to THEIR path.

coach them, lead them, love them and  most importantly believe in them.