Hey jackasses who think their associates degree… – JaredandTara Harmon-Moore

Hey jackasses who think their associates degree… – JaredandTara Harmon-Moore.


I’m all for protecting your children, but at the cost to whom? You think because Jenny McCarthy says it it must be true? Remember her the paid floozy for such hits as MTV’s “Singled out” and the chrome trailer hitch girl from the Parker and Stone classic  “Baseketball”. Apparently Appearing in Playboy multiple times, wrestling in the WWE , dating movie stars, and winning a Golden Raspberry for worst screenplay, coupled with with graduating from a liberal arts HIGH SCHOOL makes you expert enough to refute the CDC and multiple COLLEGE graduate Virologist. Come on people think for yourselves!!!

Indiana Faces Government Consequences for Exiting Common Core

Folks your state is responsible to you, not your state is responsible to the federal government with it’s citizenry(you) as a secondary notion. Hence the reason there are state constitutions. If you are a parent, you better pay attention and write letters and emails. If you are a grandparent, you better pay attention and write letters and emails before your children and your grandchildren are unable to write you back…


Indiana Faces Government Consequences for Exiting Common Core.

War Nostalgia Is Leading Veterans to Places Like Syria. One Went Missing There. – The Daily Beast

War Nostalgia Is Leading Veterans to Places Like Syria. One Went Missing There. – The Daily Beast.

This is a very well written and eye opening article–j

There isn’t a day goes by i don’t wish to be back in the heat, wearing kit, and praying someone would give us a reason, or something would explode, somewhere, anywhere. I miss combat and combat zones i miss the freedom and the clear sense of purpose. As I check myself weekly back into why i don’t go anymore, it helps to know there are others who feel the same, and maybe we need a support group, or a chatroom or our own space in the VFW?  I miss it and i miss those friends, but today, reading about someone else and their desire to return, or having made it back, is enough.–j

The ‘Boys’ in the Bunkhouse – NYTimes.com

Take time from your Sunday to read how assumptions and sacred cows allowed the common sense of the average person to intervene.

I have never asked for a “big-brother” world, to each their own, that’s a good rule,  for all to follow. But if it’s wrong, it’s wrong and we owe others our voice when they haven’t one of their own.

Your mind knows when some thing is off, take a time to learn how to listen to yourself and pay attention, these poor “boys” almost lost all of nothing, AND their lives because people assumed things were good, even though they mention noticing things “had changed” over the years.

The golden rule, just use the golden rule to help you make the tough decision to stand up, life isn’t that hard.

The ‘Boys’ in the Bunkhouse – NYTimes.com.

Feed your mind the right things and your body will follow

Do you love yourself? Do you love your family and believe you are the best decision maker for them and not the government, state, city, school? Take minute and ask yourself, honestly, How in charge of your daily life and decisions are you? Do you allow the television to tell your children what they should wear, how they should act, what is socially acceptable, and most importantly what they should eat? How many times to you allow yourself to make poor diet decisions because there is a McDonalds every 100 yards, and its just easier, or you are to tired to cook?

Now I am not here to tell you how to live, but I can speak to what works for me. I’ve been through several very serious injuries in the past several years. PTSD, which debilitated me for almost a year,Torn bicep muscle, Broken back, and all at  one time in my right leg, a broken patellar punch defect with matching femoral head defect, partially torn medial collateral ligament tear, torn soleus muscle, and a concussion.

Physical activity decreases with injury, couple that with bad food choices and BAM! you are 25 lbs heavier almost over night.  What can you do to combat this? feed your mind. Ask yourself if all those freak post about Monsanto and home gardening are really wrong. What are the most productive food choices we can make that are good for us, chemical free, and fulfilling but most importantly healthy.

Yes I know the “Organic” label is expensive, do you have a porch and can get a hold of a couple of flower pots? can you add in a non chemically produced salad 3 times a week?

The video link below is very interesting, it is an ad, for which I have no ties to, but the cost info isn’t until the end. The historical documentation of how our food got to what it is today is worth the 20 minutes of your time as well as the illustrations.

Make your own decisions but know that if an animal won’t eat it, you probably shouldn’t either. Cavemen died from climate change, not paraben(chemical inmost all soaps, lotions and make up) based cancer and high-fructose corn syrup or processed sugar.

I eat no less than 2 8 oz probiotic (Kefir and Stonyfield organic Greek yogurt) servings a day, fruits and vegetables and go to the gym, we all get older and that can’t be changed but you set the bar for every day until the end. Don’t let your children lose to bad marketing, educate yourself, teach them to grow and enjoy tomatoes, cut out sodas, and enjoy this awesome planet we were given.  Oh!  a little secret, all the cool things are outside–j


^very educational video on how our “food” got to where it is today


^ 100% soluble, organic and solar produced vitamins.

My 4th floor balcony in Virginia, peppers(2 types), tomatoes, green beans and peas, I also grew potatoes in a separate container.

My message for Bubba, her friends, and their parents.

  • SO I talk about Legend and Monkeyhead, Bubba is my oldest, if there were a mirror of me at 19 it’s her. That said I see it and am unfortunately forced to watch her slip into the shitty social standards they permeate and define our current generation’s social ability, drive and standards. Below you find a selection from Bubba’s Facebook wall this evening. The names have been changed to protect the future victims, err i mean young disrespectful, littl jackno no no thats not it, misguided youth which obviously are trying to be cool and hip, regardless of past parental guidance to the contrary. If for some reason you read this and are a parent of one of the 3 below, please feel free to A. reeducate them on proper respect of their friends, the opposite sex and more importantly my daughter or 2. send them here to me so i can do it for you–j
    Jackwagon 1 Omg wow =-O
  • ^ Bubba  What??
  • Jackwagon 1 Your eyws are beautifull lol
  • Bubba Thank you
  • Jackwagon 1 My pleasure
  • Jack wagon 2: Fuckin whore Bubba
  • Jackwagon 1 Hey! Watch it!!! Lol
  • Jack wagon 2: Hahaha or what?
  • Jack wagon 2: Lol
  • Jackwagon 1 Idk cuz im not there lol
  • Jack wagon 2: Even if u were nothin would happen lol
  • Jackwagon 1 Depends how we aproach eachother bruh
  • Jack wagon 2: Very true
  • Bubba to jackwagon 1 calm down he’s kidding jackwagon 2 stop!!
  • Jack wagon 2: Hahahaha
  • Jackwagon 1 Ik we just talkin he seem cool lol
  • jackwagon 2 I just like givin people shit Bubba-Moore knows I love her lol she my little hooker
  • Bubba, to jackwagon 2 I love you 2 fucko!!
  • Jackwagon 1 Hahahahaha hell naww bruh
  • Jack wagon 2: He’ll na what?
  • Jackwagon 1 Your little hooker lol
  • Jack wagon 2: She is.. You think I was kidding bout that
  • Jackwagon 1 Yupp she dont seem like the type lol
  • Jack wagon 2: Haha she’s not it’s an inside joke
  • Bubba to jackwagon 2, we are in the same car if you wernt bigger then me I would hit you
  • Jack wagon 2: Hahaha queer


Somedays you are the windshield, some days you are the bug, or as of late somedays you are the Broncos, some days you are the other team that i wish bad things on,but I digress.

Somedays as grateful as I am for all the super cool stuff in my life, and my memories of stuff I’ve seen and done that others have only seen movies of,  you just feel a little sad. Not sad because of the Broncos loss, really they don’t pay me to be a fan so I get what I pay for, work is stressful but in a good way, the way that makes you say, “you’ll never beat me”. Maybe I’m sad cause it’s winter and I miss Legend, maybe but at this point death is the only thing going to end this, and even then I’m not sure that death would win.

Maybe as I reflect on the greatness that has been my life, I realize that youth truly is wasted on the young and feel sad that as I finally start grasp my place and self-awareness I may be on the second half of such an awesome trip.

SO we keep going, we keep pushing, you find that new goal and target and you go for them. do you get up and the morning and feel as if its been enough? You are WRONG!! We push ourselves and efforts to motivate ourselves to give our best to teach Monkeyhead and Bubba that we can never stop striving for that next level. And if our next level isn’t as high as the next person’s, who cares, we did our best and showed others it was possible.

As my academic career fast comes to an end, and as I’ve just now started to figure out how to keep from pissing Legend off with every breath, my next goal in life is back to shape, not just shape, but Crossfit open shape. I intend to make the open at age 45, for those counting I’m 43 until September this year. that allows for graduation, knee repair, a new job and reacquaintance with my family.

you keep pushing you, no one else will do it for you.

Murph. RX’d with body armor (20lbs+) 52m 37s PR


When Elite Parents Dominate Volunteers, Children Lose – NYTimes.com

When Elite Parents Dominate Volunteers, Children Lose – NYTimes.com.

Bullying is learned, not taught, not innate. Yes there is a pecking order, but most often than not it can be settled over a game of four square (do kids still play that) and lawyers aren’t required.

Having the “joy” of being the only dad at many of my daughters school functions, I understand the pressure the author felt. I know what it is to be made to feel less than, because I CAN afford the time to go to my daughters school functions. But a man at a school party must not have a job right? Half these mothers that have no life outside of the PTA live off of their husbands hard work and reputation, not the work they monetarily put into their households, gaining their social points by the outfits they where to pick their mini-mes up after school.

We live modestly and within our means, if it weren’t for a couple of ill timed injuries we’d be better off today than we are today but there is starting to be some money left at the end of the month instead of the other way around, our daughter can pretty much do what she wants, she doesn’t know that. But for those of us that grew up in a house of 7 and 3 bedrooms, or 4 and a trailer house we understand what it means to be enough, and the shame of not being able to invite everyone to your birthday party.

Parents they are kids, let them stay that way as long as they can, they don’t always need our “help”.